Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
I live outside of Preston High School’s enrolment boundary. Can I still apply for entry into Preston high School?
Yes, you may apply for entry to the school. The DET’s placement criteria and priority order of placement will determine acceptance of your enrolment application.
DET’s Placement CriteriaHow do I get enrolment forms?
In Government Primary Schools your school will provide forms in Week 1 or 2 of Term 2.
Independent and Catholic School students can contact reception on preston.hs@education.vic.gov.au for a copy of the applicable form.
Can I apply in Grade 5 at the same time the non-government schools seek enrolment?
While government secondary schools cannot enrol children before Grade 6, Principal Sean Butler can provide written advice on enrolment for year 7 for children attending Catholic or Independent Schools.
Enrolment EnquiryWhen are enrolment forms due for 2024?
Forms are due back to Government Primary Schools on the 10th of May.
If your child attends a Catholic or Independent School, or for any other reason hasn’t met this date, please contact our enrolment officer using the link below.
Enrolment EnquiryWhat subjects do you offer?
Like all schools in Victoria (Government, Religious and Independent) we provide the Victorian Curriculum. Use the link below to find out more about our curriculum.
Curriculum StructureIn addition to this, in our Da Vinci program we teach Philosophy, Engineering/Design Thinking and leadership. Use the link below to find out more about our school structure.
School StructureIn our enhancement curriculum students can select to do a range of ever-changing subjects including Robotics, Dance, Debating, horticulture, and more.
For more information our enhancement program and co-curricular activities.
Co-curricular and enhancementIf you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please head to our contact us page.