School Structure
Preston High School
Our school is structured across three distinct phases and this narrative articulates the development of Preston High School students at each stage of their secondary education. Our narrative informs the development of a cohesive curriculum which considers the whole student, moving our disciplines out of silos and into more collaborative, connected spaces.

The Da Vinci Years – Year 7 and 8
Creating a Foundation
Year 7 and 8 are known as The DaVinci Years. This experience centres around students finding their voice in the world, exploring and experimenting with a wide range of disciplines and experiences.
Students develop confidence as learners in each discipline and engage in extended investigations and inventive inquiries exploring real-life challenges. Students all study Philosophy and Design (Engineering) Thinking as foundational disciplines.
Too often, students arrive in Year 7 lacking confidence in their learning or ability in particular areas of study. Students should leave The DaVinci Years feeling confident and empowered as learners across the disciplines.
To prepare learners to be the leaders of tomorrow, all students participate in Inspire Courses. These courses develop our students’ collaboration, research and design thinking skills. Inspire Courses include experiences such as participating in Innovation Expos, collaborating with peers to develop and present workshops to other Da Vinci students and designing and running our annual Welcome to Preston event for our new families.
Foundation courses are those which all students engage in to underpin a strong foundation in their studies at Preston High School. In the Da Vinci Years, all courses are Foundational to build confidence across a broad range of study areas.
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The Bandler Parks Program – Year 9
The Year of the Change Maker
In Year 9, through The Bandler Parks Program, students begin to use their voice, focusing on social justice, making a positive impact and developing leadership skills within our community. They engage in and co-create leadership programs, address issues in local and global communities and think more broadly about their roles as global citizens.
Key Student Experiences in the Bandler Parks Program:
- Expanded course choices
- Bandler Parks Project – research, plan and present a workshop for Da Vinci students
- Careers and pathways support
- Volunteering opportunities
- Excursions to universities
- Leadership and community focus
- Greater independence and flexibility
- Leadership camp
Explore courses are introduced in the Bandler Parks Program where students begin to preference courses based on their passions. Explore courses are important for students to trial areas of study which may become future pathways. Each Explore course is designed to give students a taste of that course’s content in VCE, which supports students to make informed choices in the Ada Program and VCE.
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The Ada Years – Year 10, 11 and 12
The Senior Years
By Years 10, 11 and 12, known as The Ada Lovelace Years, Preston High School students begin to hone their voice and focus on their pathways beyond secondary school. They engage in work experience and expand their subject choices.
Students pursue deep learning in areas of passion and interest.
Students prepare for tertiary study, both university and TAFE, and the world of work in the mid-21st Century.
Our VCE Vocational Major program connects students to applied learning pathways and training to ensure they follow their passions beyond school.