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Student Enrolment

Future Students

All Victorian children are guaranteed enrolment in a Government School.

Families whose residence is closer to Preston High School than to any other school are guaranteed a place. Families can determine school zone by visiting Find My School.

Families living further away can still apply to Preston High School and the school will apply the Department of Education and Training Placement Policy to determine which students can enrol. You can read about the Placement Policy here.


Preston High School is accredited under the Department of Education’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For further information refer to

Enrolment for Year 7

Government Primary School students apply via your primary school in Term 2 of Grade 6. Please ask your primary school to provide the relevant form.

Independent and Catholic school students can apply directly to Preston High School in Grade 6. Please contact reception to have your email added to the mailing list.

Enrolment applications for 2025 will be open from Term 2, 2024.

Enquire about Enrolment

Enrolment timeline for Year 7 for 2025

  • April 2024 – Government Primary schools provide Grade 6 families with Application for Year 7 Placement 2025 form. Catholic/Independent Primary School families approach High Schools directly for this form.
  • 10 May 2024 – Government Parents/carers return their Application for Year 7 Placement 2024 form to their primary school by this date. Catholic/Independent Primary School families return this form to the High School by this date.
  • 17th July 2024 – Primary schools will notify families of their child’s Year 7 placement offer.
  • 26th July 2024 – Parents/carers of children not allocated a place lodge a written appeal with the school by this date.
  • 6th August 2024 – Secondary schools provide parents/carers with written notification of appeal outcome.
  • 7th August 2024 – Parents/carers return their Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their child’s Primary Government School.
  • 20th August 2024 – Parents/carers lodge a written appeal with Regional Director (RD) of the North-West Victoria Region by this date.
  • September – November: Orientation process for future Year 7 families and students commences, including parent welcome evening, initial academic assessment and other events and information.

Enrolment for Years 8-12

Enrolments in Years 8-12 occur directly with the school.

Offers of placement will depend on the availability of places and the school will follow the DET Placement Policy in making decisions.

Enquire about Enrolment