Lead Explore Inspire

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Over the past ten months, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting students, parents and staff and building our vision for Preston High School. I know from these conversations that you are all excited about the start of term.

Unfortunately, due to storm damage and flooding over the summer break, there has been a delay to construction, which means the new facility will not be open at the start of term.

After discussing this with the Victorian School Building Authority, we have decided that to minimise disruption and ensure student and staff safety, students will be accommodated for the first part of term one in a former school building at the nearby Melbourne Polytechnic campus.

This facility is only 800 metres from our school and has fully fitted out classrooms with everything we need to run lessons.

This is a temporary relocation for our school community, and I am very excited for our families to explore the new classroom spaces in the heritage building by no later than Monday, 18 March 2019.